Current Clients

colo-flagSMG currently holds two fiscal agent contracts in which we serve as both the fiscal agent and the database administrator for the Division of Youth Services (Central, Northeast, and Southern Regions) and Senate Bill 94, 11th Judicial District.

SMG also serves as the database administrator to the DYS Western region and the Senate Bill 94, 10th Judicial District.

DYS Contract

DYSColorado statute requires that every committed youth exiting the Division of Youth Services must serve a minimum of six months parole. Cases that meet certain criteria may be extended to 15 months (DYS Website). DYS prepares clients to re-enter the community by providing an array of pre and post paroles services through the provider network that is managed by SMG. Services range from therapy to housing and are an essential means of setting the client up for success in the community.

In 1998, Savio received its first contract from the Department of Youth Services to develop, implement, and manage a provider network for committed and paroled youth requiring non-residential services. Savio provided this service for the subsequent eight years, and in 2006, Savio formalized this service provision arm of Savio as the Savio Management Group (SMG). Today, SMG is a separate service department responsible for managing the DYS provider network and developing what is now a fully web-based database for over 120 providers across the state. Essential capabilities of the database include electronic billing, reporting and monitoring available in real time and anywhere that there is web access.

Senate Bill 94 11th Judicial District Contract

cjdSenate Bill 94 (SB94), provides structure and funding to local jurisdictions for a continuum of services designed to ensure that youth are supervised/incarcerated at a level that is commensurate with their risk to the community.

Senate Bill 94 is implemented locally within each of the State’s 22 Judicial Districts. The Department of Human Services via Division of Youth Services has oversight of Senate Bill 94. The Colorado General Assembly appropriates funds for Senate Bill 94 programming to the Division of Youth Services. The Statewide Advisory Board is then responsible for developing an allocation formula and allocating the funds.

SMG has renewed its five year contract with the State of Colorado effective July 1, 2014 as the fiscal agent of the Senate Bill Coordinator in the 11th Judicial District in the Southern Region. The 11th JD is comprised of Fremont, Chaffee, Park, and Custer counties with a combined population of over 85,000. SMG provides fiscal management and support to the Coordinator and the Juvenile Services Planning Committee (JSPC) through supervision of monitoring, billing, provider service contracts, and approval and tracking of youth services. SMG developed and manages a SB94 database customized to the needs of the SB 94 districts identifying and supporting the unique needs of the youth and community, and ensuring oversight of fiscal responsibility.

Denver Collaborative Partnership (DCP) HB 1451

The DCP was formed in response to Colorado HB 1451 (2004) which legislated a collaborative approach to the delivery of services to children and families. The DCP’s mission is to help inter-governmental agency youth programs work together in order to increase efficiency of funds and help more children as a result.

As a collaborator in the DCP, and in accordance with the DCP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Denver Department of Human Services, along with the other partner agencies, provides recommendations through the Interagency Oversight Group (IOG) and will
work closely with CGT regarding these recommendations.